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Ao Yun, "flying above the clouds", is the story of an epic journey to a mystical place where an exceptional spirit of craft is encountered. Produced in the foothills of the Himalayas, near the legendary city of Shangri-La, Ao Yun is the fruit of an exceptional adventure that pushes the frontiers in winemaking, by creating a wine estate in a previously unexplored terroir.
Ao Yun is the first Grand Cru of the Himalayas, born from a dream that began in 2008. It exists today thanks the determination, dedication and faith of visionaries, the hard work and passion of its young Chinese winemaking team, as well as the peaceful connection with nature of 120 local Tibetan farming families. Ao Yun is the first of its kind and brings a new region – Yunnan – to the world winemaking map.
2017 was marked by challenges in climatic conditions, starting with a dry and warm winter followed by a cool spring that delayed growth of the vines. The summer was cool and much too wet, and at the beginning of fall, a crucial window opened with one month of higher temperatures than average. The season’s climate and newly optimized ways of working in the vineyard resulted in a generous harvest with very powerful and beautifully mature grapes.
Country: Yunnan, China
Rating: 94 Points by Wine Advocate
Tasting Note: “This vintage symbolizes the enhancement through a challenging climate compensated by great adaptation in the vineyard and in our winemaking. We managed to harvest powerful but ripe grapes and transformed them into a concentrated but fresh and velvety wine.”– Maxence Dulou, Estate & Technical Director, Ao Yun
在中國尋覓四年之久後,LVMH終於在雲南省北部發現了最理想的葡萄產區,該地帶可以生產出能與世界上最名貴的葡萄酒相媲美的紅葡萄酒。這一地區位於湄公河畔,擁有生產葡萄酒的極大潛力,這裡也是坐落在喜馬拉雅山腳下的偏遠小天堂,離傳奇的香格里拉市不遠。敖雲葡萄園分別位於神聖的梅里雪山腳下的阿東、西當、斯農、朔日四個村落,海拔高度從2200米到2600米不等,獨特風土使得赤霞珠葡萄風味濃郁且飽滿。當地農民數百年來一直在這裡耕作勞動,因地制宜地調整他們在陡峭山坡上的勞作技術。為了尊重當地的悠久傳統,葡萄的採摘和葡萄酒的釀造流程完全由手工完成。敖雲葡萄酒產區擁有得天獨厚的氣候條件,氣溫與波爾多產區相近。 「敖雲」(Ao Yung)意為「祥瑞之雲」,是指周邊山脈上空漂浮的祥雲