NeverNever Triple Juniper Gin
NeverNever Triple Juniper Gin
NeverNever Triple Juniper Gin

NeverNever Triple Juniper Gin 絕不絕不三倍杜松子氈酒

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Triple Juniper Gin combines three different distillation processes, each uncovering the bright and earthy qualities of juniper. Juniper is firstly steeped for approximately 24 hours. This steep, along with fresh juniper is then added to the still prior to pot distillation. Lastly, more juniper is added to the vapour basket to capture the fresh and floral juniper character.

The eight other botanicals include coriander seed, angelica root, orris root, lemon peel, lime peel, liquorice root, cinnamon and Australian pepper berry.

Light clouding occurs due to the copious amounts of juniper used.

Nose – Pine needle, brushed rosemary, lemon oil, earthy root vegetable extending into fragrant pepper.

Palate – Bright citrus character up front. Oily and intense, prominent juniper, supported by earthy undertones and wooded spice.

Finish – Luxurious and long with a rich creaminess which quickly dries out.

Gold | 95 points - International Wine & Spirits Competition - 2020
Double Gold – San Francisco Worlds Spirits Awards – 2019
Best Gin – Drink Easy Awards – 2019​
Gold – San Francisco Worlds Spirits Awards – 2018
Gold – UK Gin Masters – 2018

澳洲人們以絕不絕不(Never Never)稱呼內陸遼闊的無人荒地,啟發三個人想從劣勢中開拓希望的意念;於是替酒廠品牌定名為「絕不絕不酒業(Never Never Distilling Co.)」,昭示團隊永不放棄的決心。

中性小麥烈酒為基底,浸泡杜松子24小時後過濾準備蒸餾前,再添加一次杜松子至蒸餾器鍋爐內,並將杜松子額外再置入內建蒸餾籃內以蒸氣萃取(Vapour Infusion),加上澳洲芫荽籽、澳洲胡椒、歐白芷根、檸檬皮等八種原料,完成這款三倍杜松子琴酒(Triple Juniper Gin),裝瓶濃度為43﹪ABV。


調製Gin Tonic搭配檸檬片是輕鬆柑橘香氣與淡雅香料韻味,以Martini表現有著鮮明的花果香夾帶柑橘與舒服柔順的辛香尾韻;Negroni也是很不錯的口感呈現。